11-7: Grilled Red Snapper

11-7: Grilled Red Snapper

Although I thoroughly enjoy eating fish, I don’t have a ton of experience in cooking fish. My father used to grill large-mouth bass that we caught on our summer fishing trips. This recipe, 11-7: Grilled Red Snapper definitely took me back to those times. 🎣

The recipe calls for Red Snapper, but I used the same technique with some Pacific Rockfish that we had on hand.

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13-6: Mushroom Stroganoff

13-6: Mushroom Stroganoff

When you think “stroganoff”, you usually conjure up images of a dish with beef (or ground turkey, if you grew up in my house). Simply Delicious does have a beef version (8-12: Beef Stroganoff), but they also have a vegetarian version–13-6: Mushroom Stroganoff.

My picture and their picture look very different–I think mine looks more like stroganoff than theirs does, though. Maybe they didn’t think it photographed well?

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12-41: Spaghetti with Green Sauce

12-41: Spaghetti with Green Sauce

Green sauce can mean a lot of different things (pesto, chimichurri, etc.), but for 12-41: Spaghetti with Green Sauce, it features leek tops. Because this recipe is so light, I made this dish for a quick lunch during the week.

The sauce in the photo doesn’t look as green as a pesto, but it definitely is green.

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3-3: French Onion Soup

3-3: French Onion Soup

It’s the middle of summer right now, so soup’s probably not your first thought. However, I continue to be surprised that how no matter how hot outside it is, people still enjoy soup. So here’s a classic: 3-3: French Onion Soup.

Simply Delicious cites Les Halles (the Parisian farmers’ market, not the NY restaurant where Anthony Bourdain worked) as the originator of French onion soup. I wasn’t able to directly verify that with 5 minutes of lazy Googling, but I did find a food timeline that gives a bit of the dish’s history–I suppose their claim is totally still possible.

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10-17: Lamb Chops with Mozzarella

10-17: Lamb Chops with Mozzarella

I definitely did NOT eat a lot of lamb or veal growing up, but cooking through these recipes has given me the opportunity to try out some different dishes these days. On a recent Costco trip we found lamb chops on sale, so I decided to use them for 10-17: Lamb Chops with Mozzarella.

This seems like a strange trend that Simply Delicious is perpetuating–7-2: Pork Chops with Tomatoes is essentially the same idea except with pork, Cheddar cheese, tomatoes, and green beans. Take meat, stack a slice of cheese and random fridge/pantry items on it, call it a recipe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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9-2: Mexican Fiesta

9-2: Mexican Fiesta

9-2: Mexican Fiesta sounds exciting, but it’s really just poorly layered nachos. I know that they were trying to make it seem like a casserole, but all the good stuff that goes in tacos/nachos is basically layered in a pan and covered with a layer of chips on top. I think you’re supposed to eat it like a dip? 🌮

I like the touch of the Corona with a lime in the background of their picture, like all of a sudden that makes it a party. I can’t think of too many decent Mexican places that would serve something like this, but if you want something festive yet inoffensive for a party or a lengthy Netflix session, I suppose this recipe could get the job done. 🌶

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8-11: Sirloin Steak Baked In Foil

8-11: Sirloin Steak Baked In Foil

I have never cooked steak using the method in this recipe, 8-11: Sirloin Steak Baked in Foil, before and I probably would never cook them this way again. I like all the extra garnish, but it is a pain to cut and prepare that many vegetables for people to pick around to get to the main ingredient, the BEEF. 🐮

I used the red wine suggestion on the card, but I felt like I should have used beef broth to keep the beef-y flavor. This recipe also keeps a trend going, sticking with the foil pouch cooking method that Jamie used in the previous recipe on here, 6-25: Salmon-Filled Chicken Breasts.

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12-18: Mushroom Risotto

12-18: Mushroom Risotto

12-18: Mushroom Risotto is another recipe with a loose definition of risotto. This one didn’t even ask you to cook the rice in wine, just broth. I already had some mushroom broth infused white rice on hand, but the recipe called for brown rice.

This ended up being a dish that tastes very similar to the 12-41: Spaghetti with Green Sauce recipe that I cooked recently. Mushrooms and basil give this dish an earthy flavor. 🍄

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5-9: Swiss Cheese and Crouton Omelette

5-9: Swiss Cheese and Crouton Omelette

An old proverb states, “If you’re going to make an omelette, you’re going to have to break a few eggs.” 5-9: Swiss Cheese and Crouton Omelette is another Simply Delicious recipe where I had a reading comprehension fail and had to get creative to fix it. I didn’t notice that I was making up two individual omelettes and accidentally tried to make a giant omelette all at once which didn’t go well. 🍳

As the card states, it would be great for our next brunch. We had this dish on a night where we had breakfast for dinner. I made bacon to make it feel more breakfast-y. 🌇

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12-26: Pasta with Creamy Shrimp

12-26: Pasta with Creamy Shrimp

Here’s a short one that was a solo dish for me (those cream ones always end up being a solo affair) – 12-26: Pasta with Creamy Shrimp. I envisioned it being more like an Alfredo sauce and less like herb-filled whipped cream with shrimp in it, but unfortunately the latter is what I got.

The description on this one is deceiving–it’s honest, yet vague. There is cream, shrimp, and horseradish–and it is easy to prepare. However, the “mouthwatering” and “delicious” descriptors were noticeably maladapt for me. 🍤

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