2-13: Waldorf Salad is a short and easy recipe to make. This recipe is still popular despite its age–the maître d’hôtel (not the chef) of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel created this namesake salad in 1896. Jamie suggested that I watch the episode of Fawlty Towers called “Waldorf Salad” which originally aired in 1979. This episode features many jokes about the titular salad.

“Well I think we ran out of Waldorfs.” Most kitchens would have these ingredients on hand, so this joke got the biggest laugh of the episode. 🍏🍇🌱🌰

The bowl of salad I ate the next day tasted way better than the bowl in the photo. Refrigerating overnight really melded the flavors together. ❄🌛 🌞 👍🏼
Mr. Hamilton, the boorish American tourist in Fawlty Towers, laid out the ingredients for Basil Fawlty, “Celery, apples, walnuts, and grapes in mayonnaise”. Basil tries to persuade Mr. Hamilton to order a “Ritz salad”, a joke on another luxury hotel, which I totally would not eat, containing: “Apples, grapefruit, and potatoes in mayonnaise.”
The recipe asks you to make a salad cream, a condiment that is easily found in the UK. This version is acidulated with lemon juice instead of vinegar as the primary agent.
This recipe was so quick to make, I blinked and I almost missed it. Chop the celery, apples and walnuts and add to the salad cream. Stir. ☑
TA-DA! It’s a Waldorf salad, topped with halved grapes and walnut halves. No heat required, just lots of chopping with a knife! 🔪