An old proverb states, “If you’re going to make an omelette, you’re going to have to break a few eggs.” 5-9: Swiss Cheese and Crouton Omelette is another Simply Delicious recipe where I had a reading comprehension fail and had to get creative to fix it. I didn’t notice that I was making up two individual omelettes and accidentally tried to make a giant omelette all at once which didn’t go well. 🍳

As the card states, it would be great for our next brunch. We had this dish on a night where we had breakfast for dinner. I made bacon to make it feel more breakfast-y. 🌇

I saw this “TIPS” section way too late. I accidentally put all the egg mix in a pan that could only cook half that much.
My “croutons” were these Baked Snack Sticks that we bought at the airport on our trip home from visiting my family on the east coast. They were more than stale enough to fill the role croutons do in this recipe. The Swiss cheese was still coming down from frozen while this photo was taken.
Even though they were stale, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to toast the Snack Sticks in a little melted butter in the skillet.
I cracked all 7 eggs and added the Swiss cheese to the bowl and got to stirring.
After I added all the eggs into the pan, I poured half back into the bowl and added the croutons to the side of the omelette.
Because the cheese was in the egg mix, all that is left to complete the omelette is to flip the other side. Due to how much the cheese melted, my mixture clumped and broke into pieces.
Luckily, I had a chance to try again with omelette number 2…
…and I messed it up again on the flip.
With the final product shot, I was able to flip the omelette upside down to get a clean edge.
I served the final dish with a side of bacon and a cup of iced coffee. The omelette tasted good and was very filling, especially since it was mostly bread, egg, and cheese.