3-12: Springtime Vegetable Soup

Editor’s Note: This is part of remediating the backlog–turns out we both had some “spring cleaning” to do.

I know it’s been a while and don’t expect to hear much more. 3-12: Springtime Vegetable Soup was the last recipe I had prepared for this blog project. I took the photos and had them sitting on a hard drive for years. Because we don’t leave fallen soldiers, I’m proud to present this formerly LOST recipe.

I’m as big a fan of vegetable soup as the next guy. Radishes, asparagus, and cauliflower aren’t my favorite, but they all work well together when combined.

It’s probably best to make this dish with fresh vegetables. This dish would probably be pretty meh if you used frozen.

Ingredients: Lots of vegetables. You could probably just add whatever veggies you want. We roll with the lactose free half and half in this house.

Yummm…..cauliflower….my favorite. NOT. I endured it for this recipe.

Chopping asparagus is pretty easy. I was trying to keep the pieces the same size. The recipe photos show longer pieces, but I’d rather be able to scoop the bits up with a spoon.

I pushed the asparagus bits to the side and chopped up the carrots into little bits.

Peas are my actually my favorite, even when bringing them down from frozen.

Water your soup so it grows big and strong.

Time to start boiling vegetables.

I totally didn’t look at the picture which showed radish medallions and I cut them into weird fat matchsticks instead. I knew I needed to chop them up small.

I added the asparagus out of order. I was supposed to wait for one of the later steps.

The water smelled heavily of things that aren’t very savory to type here. There’s a reason they have you strain this liquid off and add fresh stock to make soup.

Adding aforementioned stock. Vegan chicken broth tastes pretty good. It has salty and savory notes that mimic the herby notes of a chicken broth.

Now I add the additional vegetables. The asparagus was supposed to go in now…This batch just had soft asparagus.

Adding these eggs makes the soup more indulgent. Step 1: Beat those eggs like they owe me money.

Step 2: Pour the soup onto the eggs. Step 3: Stir like crazy so you don’t end up with scrambled eggs.

There’s lots of different shades of green in this soup so you know it’s got to be healthy. Radish and carrot really bulk this soup out.

My final review of the soup, from what I can remember from 7 years ago…It was smooth, satiny, green-tasting soup. I think I can say I legitimately enjoyed this soup.

Grade: B-