Is anyone excited by lettuce? No? Well, too bad, because I’ve got two of these to get through.
First up: 19-1: Lettuce Varieties I. Simply Delicious knew they had to break this up into multiple installments, because who could handle all this lettuce at once?

This copy sounds like AI garbage long before that was even a thing. In fact, I think the AI sounds better, and I hate AI.
Sigh…I’m having just a hard of a time selling lettuce to you as they are. Let’s just keep moving.

Like the other Cooking School entries, I’ll list some recipes down below that use these lettuce types (or could use them). I’m really not sure how else to entertain you with lettuce.

I can’t say I purchase Bibb lettuce that often (really, I use those salad kits because they’re the easiest), but it could go well in all of these offerings (mostly sandwiches):

I like iceberg lettuce for sandwiches, tacos, or certain types of salads like a wedge salad.

Curly Endive
I don’t use curly endive or other types of “fancy” lettuce that often, but they’re fun to use for garnish or other types of dishes like sandwiches.