16-20: Chocolate Mousse Cake

I had high hopes of catching up on this thing in a timely fashion, but let’s face it–we’re all surprised I’m even still updating it all at this point. The 10-year anniversary came and went a few months ago without much (or any) fanfare, but I AM still here–just not as attentive as I used to be. Let’s face it–a LOT has changed over the last 10 years. No plans to completely let it die yet, but I would be lying if I said I hadn’t considered it.

Anyway, here’s 16-20: Chocolate Mousse Cake, which was one of two desserts I served for Christmas 2023 (XMAS 23).

Seemed Christmas-appropriate, plus it’s gluten-free! That doesn’t matter to anyone that’s in this house, but someone out there might care about something like that.

Raspberries aren’t included in the ingredients, but there’s a suggestion for an accompanying raspberry sauce in the TIPS. I didn’t make it this time around, but don’t let that stop you.

Ingredients. I have some old sliced almonds, so I’ll grind those up for this recipe. Non-dairy whipping cream because that’s how we roll, and the orange came from my backyard tree.

Zesting my orange.

Tossed the zest into the food processor along with the (already processed) almonds and eggs.

I traced the cake pan onto the wax paper with a pencil to ensure it would fit once I cut it out.

Good enough–I used a few spritzes of pan spray to hold the paper down to the pan.

Filling it with the batter.

After baking. Nothing exciting, but it’s looking pretty close to what was pictured.

Transferred it to my “serving platter” (aka, a foil-lined paper plate).

Measured out exactly 6 ounces of chocolate.

Melted it in a double boiler.

Getting ready to whip the non-dairy whipping cream.

Not as fluffy as real whipped cream, but close enough.

Egg yolks and sugar into a cleaned-out mixer bowl.

After creaming the egg yolks and sugar, I added in the cooled chocolate.

After mixing in the chocolate, I added in the whipped cream.

Covered the crust with the “mousse”. Now we may have diverged from the pictures–not sure why mine looks more “cookies-and-cream” than “chocolate”.

Covered it and chilled it–this is after we took out two slices for dessert.

Pictured along with the other dessert I made for XMAS 2316-22: Apricot Swirl Cheesecake. Both were pretty good, even if it didn’t turn out exactly like the picture.

Grade: A