Summer is slipping away quickly, but if you can still get your hands on some fresh berries, you can give 14-13: Berry Omelette a try. Based on the ingredients and the suggestion to serve it with wine, I think this is more of a “dessert omelette” than a “breakfast omelette”, but you do you.

I suppose there’s lots of dishes on famous breakfast places’ menus that are similar to this in terms of sugar and sweetness–I’m just not much of a “sweets” person for breakfast, especially when eggs are involved. My dad goes even further–he will not eat eggs if there is jam on or near the plate, and vice versa. He would NOT have enjoyed this dish.

They suggest you can use jam instead of berries if you want (or if you can’t get fresh berries), but I’d go with the berries if you can. Unless you really like jam & eggs.
Check out that prep time–10 minutes!

Ingredients. I snagged a little berry sampler pack from the local Safeway, which makes this much easier (and more varied). I do have some jam available (a local huckleberry version from a trip we took last year where we stopped for a night in June Lake, CA), but I’ve included it here just for demonstrative purposes (and to plug June Lake, it’s a super cool place).
And yes, that’s real butter and yet I’m using dairy-free whipping cream. It’s a long story about selective lactose intolerance…just go with it.

Separating eggs–whites go in the mixing bowl, yolks are held to the side, and the shells will go in my compost bin.

Yolks along with some dairy-free whipping cream. To me, this DF whipping cream is somewhat coconutty in flavor (despite them saying it won’t be), so in my opinion it’s not great for use in savory dishes (unless it’s something where it works, like a curry). It is great for sweet dishes though, as long as you don’t mind a little hint of coconut in there.

After mixing the yolks and whipping cream together.

I grated the lemon peel, as instructed. Demonstrative jam still back there, just hanging out for ambiance.
In case you were wondering, my utensil holder is from Etsy (and she makes them for a lot of different cities).

Egg whites are whipped to soft peaks (not stiff), and sugar/vanilla is incorporated.

After incorporation.

Folding in the egg yolk mixture.

Now we start the omelette. You have probably not seen this pan often, because it is my designated egg pan and it is ONLY used for eggs.

Eggs are cooking, but aren’t solid on the edges yet.

OK, the bottom is cooked, but what about the top? Simply Delicious seems to only want you to cook it this far, but I can’t go for that (no can do).
A true omelette would have you fold it and then cook in the pan for a little while longer to finish the top (and would not want you to get the bottom that brown), but this is something…different. The best method I could come up with was to slide it out onto a cutting board and then flip it back into the pan…

Sigh…this is why they didn’t advise you to do it this way.

Luckily, I had only tried my experiment with one quarter of it–the rest I left as-is.

Let’s limp this thing over the finish line before anything else goes wrong. Where did all those strawberries from the beginning go?
Answer: there was some berry-snacking going on while this recipe was being constructed…

I managed to save enough of the berries to finish off the dish, along with some generous sprinkling of powdered sugar.
Would I make it again? Probably not. There’s a reason they keep French toast and crepes on the menu for your sweet breakfast cravings, and not something like this. Dad had a point with the combination of berries and eggs being weird.
Grade: B-