As another clue to the era from which it emanates, Simply Delicious offers a lot of stir-fry recipes, along with quite a few other “pan-Asian” options. 11-32: Shrimp and Cashew Stir-Fry isn’t much different from a lot of these other types of dishes, but if you like shrimp and cashews, this is your dish.

Simply Delicious suggests serving this with some steamed brown rice. I remember my mom pushing the brown rice on us in the 80s and 90s…it wasn’t great. I know it’s healthier for you, and there are some dishes where it works, but I’m just generally NOT a fan.

It’s a pretty standard stir-fry–protein(s), veggie, oil, heat, soy sauce. This one has you make a sauce to go with it using cornstarch and chicken broth, which is not far off from how they do it in your favorite restaurant.

Ingredients. I have precooked shrimp instead of raw (yuck, no thanks on the peeling/deveining if I can avoid it), but I do have fresh parsley! Ignore the bananas.

My sous-chef prepping up the veggies.

Cashews in pan, as directed.

Some “chicken” broth–I should have used the fish one I already had.

Shrimp being prepped–even when cooked, I still need to remove the tails (and apparently some “veins” they missed).

Cashews are done, time for the veggies.

Added in the frozen peas.

Also added the minced garlic.

Since the shrimp are already cooked, I waited until the last possible minute to add them in.

After making the cornstarch/broth sauce.

Rice is cooked (and has been for a while, based on the clock).

With rice, maybe a 6.5 out of 10? The sauce was bland as is–I’d like a lot more spice and flavor if it were up to me. I wouldn’t order it again if I got it as takeout, let’s put it that way.
Grade: C+