I think 14-9: Glazed Crêpes with Pears might be my final untested crêpe recipe from Simply Delicious–but there may be others in there. I’ll even give you a quick spoiler (since this recipe is kind of boring…another spoiler) for upcoming posts–there are more recipes out there than what I had originally. I know because I found (and purchased) some in a local Goodwill.

I’ve still got quite a few posts to go before I dig into some of the *NEW* recipes (and show you the book they came in), but for now, you can read about yet another crêpe recipe after the jump. But this time, with pears! And glaze!

It’s suggested in the TIPS to use leftover thin pancakes for this dessert if you don’t want to make crêpes–I think pancakes (even somewhat thick ones) would be even better. If I made it again (unlikely), I’d probably try that idea.

Ingredients. I’m still learning how to use vegan egg substitutes, and I haven’t quite mastered it for crêpes yet, so I’ll use real ones for now (that I had leftover from something else). I’m pretty confident with the non-dairy milks, so I’ll go with my favorite for something like this, oat milk.

Mixing up the crêpe batter.

Adding in the eggs.

Chopped the pears, but I didn’t peel them first (which was part of the recipe). Probably should have done that.

Making crêpes. After 5 of these, I’ve gotten better.

Filling the crêpes with the (unpeeled) pears. You can see one that I already rolled up in the pan on the right.

After rolling all of the crêpes. I had extra pears, so I filled in any gaps.

After broiling/glazing. They were not that exciting on their own, but maybe adding a scoop of ice cream could help.
Grade: B-