Stir-fry is not a new concept for Simply Delicious, so you may feel a sense of déjà vu while reading this recipe if you’ve spent any considerable time on this site. 8-25: Stir-Fried Beef isn’t much more than you’re expecting, so if a quick and easy stir-fry is what you’re looking for, read on.

With rice, 10/10.
In this case, 12-28: Tri-Color Risotto. So more like 6/10.

As I mentioned in other wok-related stir-fry recipes (like 7-11: Oriental Stir-Fried Pork, 9-44: Wok-Fried Beef Patties, and 13-14: Wok-Fried Veggies with Pasta), the important factor when using a wok is HOT HOT HEAT. 🔥

Ingredients. Ignore the bananas. CSA box came with a leek, so we’re going with leek instead of green onions. As usual, swapping out a similar meatless option for the beef.

As I was preparing this and 12-28: Tri-Color Risotto at the same time (#mealprepsunday), there are some extra veggies in the prep shot.

Pepper strips for this recipe, squares for the risotto.

Sliced up the leek to go with the pepper strips.

Heating up the oil in the pan.

I did my “beef” first, and then pulled it out to use the flavor for the mushrooms.

Sautéed the mushrooms–saving the peppers and leek for last. I didn’t use a wok for this, but this pan is the next best thing.

Added the “beef” back in at the last minute.

Topped 12-28: Tri-Color Risotto with this recipe for work lunches over a week. This was definitely the better Simply Delicious recipe of the two.
Grade: B+