I’ve finally caught up to Mother’s Day…2019. I made 15-10: Frozen Raspberry Desserts along with a few other desserts from Simply Delicious, which has essentially become a tradition at this point. Considering I got these books from my mother, she has no one to blame but herself.

Mother’s Day is a bit ahead of summertime, but the fruit is usually already out and plentiful by then. The hardest part of making these desserts is the chocolate cups, which I also used for 15-23: Kiwi Mousse with Chocolate Cups. If I have to go through the trouble of making them, I’m getting as much bang for my buck as possible.

They never actually tell you how much chocolate you’re supposed to use for these cups. I don’t remember how much I used (because I made these over 8 months ago at this point), but I think you’d probably need about an ounce (maybe less) per chocolate cup. These tend to break easily, so plan for more cups than you intend to serve.

Ingredients (minus the chocolate). There’s just no good dairy/lactose-free substitute for whipping cream, so I’m using a dairy-free whip instead so that the filling stays fluffy. It won’t be quite as creamy as if I had used real whipping cream, but it will get the job done.
I haven’t quite perfected aquafaba meringue yet, so we’ll stick with the real eggs for now. I already had cherry liqueur from 16-26: Elegant Almond Cake, so at least I got more than one use out of that.

Rinsing and draining the raspberries. Usually you have to be really careful not to smush them while doing this, but since these are going in the food processor, it doesn’t really matter. Don’t forget to save a few to the side for garnish (spoiler alert: I forgot).

Raspberries + sugar + liqueur in the food processor.

After processing.

Since I used slightly different ingredients, I mixed my whipped topping into the whipped eggs.

I then took my whip mix and folded that into the blended raspberries.

While my raspberry mix chilled, I worked on my chocolate cups. For the method to make these, read 15-23: Kiwi Mousse in Chocolate Cups.

This is layer 2 or 3 at this point. Notice the chilled dry ones on the left and the freshly brushed wet ones on the right.

After the cups and raspberry mix chilled, I got both ready for assembly.

Filling the cups–I made 6, but only took 4 with me for dessert. The most attractive one got to be the picture plate. The least attractive one got eaten immediately.

This was one of the better ones (if you ignore the crack in the cup near the back). As I mentioned as the start, I neglected to save raspberries for the top, so I used a strawberry instead.
These ended up being pretty much exactly what you think they are–not a lot of nuance to be found here.

Here’s this recipe along with 15-23: Kiwi Mousse in Chocolate Cups. Again, why not kill two chocolate cup birds with one stone?

Finally, here’s our dessert spread from Mother’s Day. There’s one additional recipe I made, 15-17: Summery Cantaloupe…which I made with a watermelon. All in all, it was a very fruit-centric Mother’s Day.
Grade: A-