16-45: Raspberry Tartlettes

I’ve used this project as an excuse to make dishes to share at work before. This time, I made 16-45: Raspberry Tartlettes for a quarterly staff meeting. I had a colleague that was interested in trying vegan recipes and another that required gluten-free dishes, so I tried to incorporate both in this attempt.

I had originally bought tartlette tins for 5-20: Golden Cheese Tartlettes, and I’m just glad I’ve finally found another use for them. There’s also 16-9: Raspberry Tart, if you’re looking for something a bit larger, but in the same ballpark.

Did you notice that there already was a #45 for Group 16? 16-45: Colonial Apple Cake is also 16-45. Good job, Simply Delicious. 🙄

Note that this recipe yields 6 tartlettes as written, but their pictures show 8. I was making this for work and needed about 20~, so I quadrupled this recipe.

Ingredients. I’ve got gluten-free 1:1 flour for my gluten-free friend. For my vegan one, I’m using vegetable shortening for butter, coconut milk for whipping cream, and flaxseed meal to make a flax egg. I also decided to have a few different kinds of berries instead of just raspberries.

Mixing up the dough. It’s not quite as yellowish as you would expect since there’s no butter or egg yolk in it.


These are my tartlette pans–there’s 6 different shapes. I’ve used them previously for 5-20: Golden Cheese Tartlettes, when I realized that muffin tins did not achieve the same outcome.

Grating up the almond paste with the food processor.

Splitting up the dough so that I can roll it out. Not only does the dough look different because of the vegan substitutions, it has gluten free flour, so it handles a bit differently as well.

Tartlette pans lined with dough. I have them sitting on a silicone mat to keep them from sliding around too much.

Whipping cold coconut cream–this worked much better this time than previous recent attempts. I’m also not trying to work this into a custard, so I’m not as concerned if it’s not a perfect substitution.

Folding the grated almond paste into the whipped coconut cream.

It looks a bit lumpy, but maybe it’ll look better once it’s baked?

At this point all the tartlette crusts had baked–it’s hard to tell since the ingredient swaps keep it from browning like traditional dough. Now I’m arranging berries on the tops of each–it looks random, but there’s actually even amounts on each piece.

After arranging all the berries. I’ll transport them like this, and then finish them with the powdered sugar and mint leaves upon serving them.

I mocked one up at home for the camera, but as you’ll see below, this is essentially how I served them. This was in late June, so it was a perfect time of year for a nice berry treat.

As plated for my colleagues at work (tray courtesy of our office stash). They seemed to be popular and most people tried at least one. I can totally admit that making them gluten-free and vegan made them probably a bit different than originally intended, but it’s 2019 (almost 2020), and that’s where a lot of culinary trends are and have been headed. Most anything can be adapted, it just takes a bit of know-how.

Grade: A