Looking for a way to use up some leftover chicken for breakfast or lunch? 5-14: Thai Chicken Omelette doesn’t require a ton of ingredients, but makes for a light yet hearty meal. Omelettes are something Simply Delicious does quite a bit of (5-33: Omelette Stacks with Rice, 5-21: Omelette with Herbs, or 5-9: Swiss Cheese and Crouton Omelette are just a few examples), but this one’s definitely a decent take on it.

Simply Delicious mentions the Thai cuisine featuring lots of fruits and vegetables, but this recipe doesn’t have much in the way of produce, other than maybe the bean sprouts. Try substituting sautéed squash or carrots for a vegetarian alternative to the chicken.

Simply Delicious has you make one big omelette to split between (theoretically) 4 people–consider making separate, smaller omelettes (splitting the ingredients accordingly) for easier serving.

Ingredients. I went with curry powder over curry paste–but I have red, yellow, and green varieties. I also went with the cilantro over the parsley or lemon balm, since I like the fresh taste, especially with Thai flavors.

Green, yellow, and red curry, along with dried lemongrass pieces and ground lemongrass. I used the yellow and red curry for this dish, along with the ground lemongrass. There are differences between the three, and they have different uses & flavor profiles.

Had a bunch of chicken that I made for different dishes like 2-4: Chef’s Salad and 1-18: Club Sandwich–batch cooking chicken breasts saves a lot of prep time and work when you have a lot of recipes that all call for the same thing.

Oil with red (and a bit of yellow) curry powder mixed in–be careful not to let it cook too long/get too hot or you’ll scorch your spices.

Tossed the bean sprouts in with the chicken and sautéed both in the curry-spiced oil.

After tossing–now the chicken is spiced and the sprouts have softened.

6 eggs, cracked into a glass measuring cup for easy beating and pouring.

Chopped up some of the fresh cilantro.

I know Simply Delicious wants you to cook your omelette with oil, but I just can’t do it–I always have bad luck trying to cook eggs with oil. I’m using butter (because I know I won’t mess it up), but if you want to keep it dairy-free, feel free to use whatever you prefer, including oil.

All the cilantro keeps wanting to float to the top.

Same problem happens when it hits the pan. One side will just have to be greener than the other.

6 eggs was a bit too much for this pan to handle as one omelette–it could have ended up much thinner and larger if I had a bigger pan, or had thought to split the mixture into multiple omelettes like I said at the beginning. In the interest of trying to stick to the original idea of one large omelette split, it got a little thicker and lumpier than I would have preferred.

Another problem with too small of a pan–too much filling for not enough egg surface area. I barely got this behemoth to fold once–twice was never going to happen. I really should have made two separate omelettes at least.

Final GIANT omelette, sliced so that you can see some of its filling. I put a bit of sriracha on top for some extra kick and color. When they say 4 servings, they really mean it–Adam and I split this for breakfast, and we were still only able to eat half of it between us. The other half got saved for lunch later on–making it in separate omelettes would have helped portion it better.
Grade: B+