Stew happens to be one of my favorite dishes. 😍 It contains all the things I really enjoy: tender meat, vegetables, and gravy. That being said, even though it’s the opposite of springtime right now, 10-1: Springtime Lamb Stew was right up my alley.

I’ve never been to the Provence region of France to try this style of cooking in it’s natural habitat, so learn more from someone who has.

Lamb stew may be my second favorite preparation of lamb, second only to the traditional greek gyro. 🌯
Such a pretty ingredients shot, lots of green vegetables!
Seared meat smells very primal. My ancestors would have to raise a herd of lamb, kill one of their flock, and butcher their own cuts of meat. It sounds almost romantic in a certain way, but think of how much more work that is compared to going to the supermarket.
Chopping onions has become second nature at this point.
These photos capture the steam, but cannot capture the beauty of the aroma of onions and butter.
Flour is the key ingredient that thickens the stew.
Next, add the water, add the cooked onions, and stir this all up.
Now, “you got a stew going.”
“Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.”
It’s not everyday I quote Macbeth while writing one of these blog posts. I’ve read a lot more Stan Lee than Shakespeare during my life.
So many vegetables to chop: zucchini, red and yellow carrots, green beans, peas, and fingerling potatoes.
Toss the veggies into the pot and stir it all together.
What a beautiful stew.
The final product is an herbaceous lamb dish that is good for dinner, a bit heavy for lunch. This dish heated up well as leftovers.