Artistic appetizers are amazing!🖕 I can’t get enough of them and Simply Delicious has interesting appetizer recipes that are easy to prepare like this one, 1-11: Ham Rolls with Italian Salad. 🇮🇹

Easy to prepare ahead of time, these rolls are light and delicious appetizers to serve for any occasion. ✅

I don’t usually have 2 cups cold cooked potatoes on hand, but Jamie gave me some tips for working through this hiccup.
This salad has so many ingredients. Luckily, I had most of the veggies left over from other dishes I cooked recently.
The potatoes are prepped in the style for a salad. I diced the potatoes into small cubes and then boiled them.
While the potatoes are boiling, I got to chopping. I diced the apples and chopped the carrots for the Italian Salad. Multitasking. 🔪
The potatoes are nicely boiled, ready to be chilled. ❄
In one layer on a sheet pan, the potatoes go into the freezer to cool off.
Later, I added the carrots, peas and apples into the bowl. Lots of “rabbit food”. 🐇
Sour cream and mayonnaise…also known as Salad Cream which I have written about before. This is the dressing for the Italian salad. 🇮🇹
Check out all of the chopped ingredients, all ready to combine! FORM INTO MEGAZORD!
The mixed up salad goes on to the piece of ham to be rolled. 💫
Such pretty Ham Rolls. I ate the remainder of the Italian Salad as a potato salad when I ran out of ham. I really enjoy how this photo came out, the composition of the rolls and the garnish really draws the eye.