When you think “stroganoff”, you usually conjure up images of a dish with beef (or ground turkey, if you grew up in my house). Simply Delicious does have a beef version (8-12: Beef Stroganoff), but they also have a vegetarian version–13-6: Mushroom Stroganoff.

My picture and their picture look very different–I think mine looks more like stroganoff than theirs does, though. Maybe they didn’t think it photographed well?

This one goes even farther off base from the original Beef Stroganoff dish, especially by keeping the tomato paste/purée thing going and subbing potatoes for beef.

Ingredients. The potatoes and mushrooms are from the CSA box, and I chose to use tomato broth for my water/veggie broth since we’re going whole hog on this tomato-in-stroganoff thing. 🍅

My sous-chef/co-author/husband peeling potatoes for me.

Slicing mushrooms–these maitake mushrooms grow in a cluster rather than individually, so it takes a bit of cross-sectioning to get it down into manageable pieces.

I love mise en place.

Cooking onions, like in most recipes.

Added in my potatoes and chopped mushrooms.

Tomato sauce and mustard added in the pan, just like in 8-12: Beef Stroganoff.

Looks…potatoey. This should have been Potato Stroganoff, not Mushroom Stroganoff.

With tomato broth added…this should enhance the tomato flavor even more. Sour cream helps with flavor too, but without any added meaty/umami flavor (besides the mushrooms), it still just doesn’t seem like stroganoff to me.

Tough to see this one cooking in the back on the far burner, but here’s 8-12: Beef Stroganoff cooking at the same time as part of a stroganoff-off.

Mushroom stroganoff (this recipe) on the right and 8-12: Beef Stroganoff on the left, both on some steamed white rice. This recipe was more flavorful, but the beef version was creamier and more traditionally “stroganoff”. You decide which one you like. 🙂
Grade: B+