I went on a cooking spree and made 4 recipes last night. 17-28: Pound Cake was the last of what I cooked, when we were scouring the house looking for a dessert. 🍰

Hey! This one has MY handwriting on it! I said it was good a few years ago, let’s see if it’s still good.
Spoiler alert: it was. 🙂

I don’t remember what I made this for. Must have been the same as this time: looking for something easy to make for dessert with ingredients I probably already have in the house. I’m so predictable.

Ingredients, plus one of my very trusted and very OLD friends: the Kitchen Aid. This mixer is OLDER than me, and still works like a champ. There I am, in the reflection of the bowl. Hi!
I’m also getting to use my bundt pan I bought on a random Target shopping trip a while ago for the first time. I knew I’d use it eventually. Totally justifies its purchase. Right?
Subbed half-and-half for whipping cream, and ½ cinnamon ½ nutmeg for cardamom.

Butter–it takes 1 ½ sticks for this sucker. Cutting it into chunks makes it easier for the mixer to distribute it evenly.

Good, coarse crumb consistency.

Adding in the rest of the ingredients. Don’t ramp up the mixer too fast, or you’ll end up cleaning it off the walls.

Almost a stretchy consistency. I wonder if the whipping cream would have made it less stretchy/dense.

Greased the pan with a bit of coconut oil. Usually it’s a solid consistency (like butter), but the kitchen was HOT after 4+ hours of cooking, so it melted. It makes a good thermometer: liquid coconut oil = hot weather/kitchen.

Floured it with coconut flour. Thought it would give a nice “coconutty” taste to the outside of the cake. I think it absorbed some of the moisture of the cake, though.

Poured (slopped) into the pan. Very thick consistency, took some cajoling to get it to go evenly into the bowl.

Toaster oven working hard these days. If it fits in the toaster oven, that’s where it goes.

45 minutes later (shorter than the time listed on the card), a skewer came out clean, so I pulled it out. Let it chill out on the rack for a few more minutes.

Slid right out. Looked mighty nice. LOOK AT MY WELL-FORMED CAKE, INTERNET.

The “recipe card” shot. It was a touch drier than I would have liked, but it is delicious with coffee or some honey on top. I see on my notations I had Bailey’s whipped cream and strawberries–also good suggestions.

Very good, and you probably have the ingredients in your house right now. Go have some poundcake.
Grade: A