Hey there. October’s been a crazy busy month IRL so far, but I’ve got some entries banked that I’ll start posting, so expect some more entries coming soon. This one, 5-33: Omelette Stacks with Rice, was a Saturday morning breakfast a few weeks ago that was born out of an abundance of eggs and leftover cooked rice. 🍚

Simply Delicious suggests serving it as a main course (presumably for lunch or dinner as opposed to breakfast, to which they seem to be drawing a contrast), but you eat it whenever you like. 🌇

Simply Delicious shows its age with the use of the term “Oriental“–not something used these days. This isn’t the first recipe where this term has appeared–7-11: Oriental Pork Stir-Fry and 6-32: Savory Buffet Chicken are two other examples. 🏯⛩

Ingredients. No candied ginger on hand, so I went with ground. I don’t particularly care for leeks, so I used the suggested alternative of green onions.

Sprinkled a little extra ground ginger on the ham strips while they were cooking to infuse a bit more ginger flavor into the dish since I wasn’t using the candied variety. If I were cooking this again, I’d add some brown sugar in as well.

Mixed up the dipping sauce in a glass measuring cup.

Cracked 6 eggs into another big measuring cup–they’re good receptacles for mixing (and then pouring) without having to commit to/dirty a whole bowl.

De-iced and cooked some shrimp on the stove (just a bit of heat and water in the pan, along with some lemon juice can make frozen shrimp seem good as new). 🍤

Just a little tug to remove the tails without losing the meat.

Cut up the cooked & warmed shrimp into bite-size bits, along with preparing the rest of my mise en place.

Omelette layer #1: the julienned & sautéed ham strips, covered with about 1/3 of the egg mixture (about 2 eggs worth).

I’m all about transparency: the first omelette layer had a pretty messy flip. I had to use a bit more of the uncooked egg I had left to patch the holes. 🚧

Better, but not great. This will definitely be the bottom layer.

Omelette layer #2: the cooked & warmed shrimp pieces. I’ve learned how to flip it a bit better since the first layer–we’ll see if this one goes better.

Okay, it looks better than the ham layer, but there’s definitely still room for improvement.

Omelette layer #3: the green onions. I cook the onions in the pan for a bit first to get some color (flavor) on them. It was advised to cut these into strips, but I prefer them this way.

Heated up a bit of the cooked rice and drizzled some of the dipping sauce over it in anticipation of layering the omelettes on top.

Here’s all three layers stacked up. I didn’t take a great picture of the top layer (the green onions), but it definitely came out the best–probably due to practice up until that point and the lightness of the ingredients versus the heavier meat-based ingredients of the others.

Cross-section from the other side. The ham layer was the least consistent, but also the heartiest.

Final plating. I drizzled more of the dipping sauce on top, and garnished with a few cut chives as shown in their picture. These were GREAT for breakfast, and also pretty tasty reheated a day or two afterwards.
Grade: A