Here’s another mushroom recipe for you. 1-16: Mushrooms Escargot is similar to the last recipe I did, 2-2: Mushrooms à la Grecque, in that it’s a fancy name for a pretty well-known dish. Simply Delicious does that a LOT. This one is essentially stuffed mushrooms, something most everyone’s familiar with.

This recipe in-and-of itself doesn’t contain or use actual snails, but it’s suggested you can add them if you want. I didn’t go quite that far (although I’m not opposed to the idea), but the mushrooms provide a similar experience that’s not quite as…exotic. 🐌

This is a good one for the toaster oven, especially if your toaster oven has a broiler on it. I used the broiler in mine, and as you saw from the header pic (or the end of this entry), it worked a little too well.

Ingredients. Since I wasn’t eating any of these, I only made this recipe with half of this package, and saved the other half for 2-2: Mushrooms à la Grecque. I also used bacon fat instead of butter to make it dairy-free, since the intended eater was not a lactose fan. Panko for bread crumbs, as always.

I de-stemmed all the mushrooms and cleaned the rough edges with a paring knife.

I used my quarter-sheet pans with a quarter-sheet Silpat, which fits perfectly in my toaster oven.

Mixed up my bread crumb-and-bacon fat mixture.

Lined the bottoms with fresh bread crumbs, as instructed.

Stuffed them up good.

After a trip through the toaster oven broiler. The bacon fat probably cooked them a bit more than the butter would have (they’re a bit darker than I would have liked), but it does (allegedly) lend a nice bacon-y taste to them.

Final plate. Like I said, a bit dark, but according to my taster, very delicious.
Grade: A-