If you still have any zucchini or tomatoes lying around from a late summer harvest, this is a great vegetarian recipe with which to use those up. 🍅
Also note the new background: my first entry from my new (hopefully somewhat permanent) kitchen. 🙂

I styled mine in more of a fried zucchini-appetizer way, but the casserole way works too.

Mom never made this one that I can tell, but I think she’d like it.

Ingredients. Zucchini and tomatoes are courtesy of our CSA box. The recipe calls for crushed tomatoes, which I did put in one can of, but I needed to use up the cherry tomatoes, so I threw those in there too.

Plus, they’re just so pretty. Didn’t even bother to cut them, they’ll pop on their own once they get hot enough.

After I added in the onions and capers. You can see how the cherry tomatoes have blended in pretty well with the canned ones.

Slicing zucchini on my OCD Chef cutting board. Sounded great in theory, but it warped really easily and the markings wear off fast. Wouldn’t buy another one. In fact, I think I was using this one because all the other plastic ones were in the dishwasher.

I ended up with way more zucchini than I needed, so I made another recipe: 4-22: Zucchini Pancakes, which you’ll see a few entries from this one.

I like to use Pyrex containers for breading–the rectangular ones are the best, but alas, those too were in the dishwasher. I’m getting used to this dishwasher thing again–my last place didn’t have one.

Frying up the zucchini. Easy to do–I think this was a blend of coconut and canola oil. I’m not thrilled about electric stoves, but it’s a poor chef who blames her tools. 😉

Finished product. A slice of zucchini with a bit of the tomato ragout/sauce was quite delicious and a nice late summer snack.
Grade: A