5-7: Quiche Lorraine

This was supposed to be 5-24: Meat-Filled Crêpes, but ingredient shortages persist. A trip to the market tomorrow should resolve it, but for now, we’ll have to make do with an old classic, 5-7: Quiche Lorraine.

This one I have made in the past, several times. Two past memorable occasions:

– When my boyfriend (now husband) and I officially moved into our first apartment together a few years ago, we threw a 1970s-themed housewarming party. This along with another quiche, some rumaki, fondue, and other 1970s goodness made up the menu.

– When I was in 7th grade, I had to do some sort of project on France/French culture in my English class (I have no idea why). My project partner and I made this recipe at her house and also bought a Celine Dion CD (where she sings in French) to play while the class ate our quiche. I think her mom returned the CD to Target the next day. That was our lazy, late-90s attempt at French culture. 🇫🇷

Even though I know I’ve made this a few times before, I haven’t written anything down. The card showed a bit more wear than the other ones I’ve covered so far, but I was bad about notes on this one.

Ingredients. Here’s where I cheated: I didn’t make my own crust like it shows in the recipe. I’m usually a purist who likes to make my own everything if I can, but for this one, it was a last-minute decision. I still had a frozen pie crust left over from 5-1: Mushroom & Cheese Pie and some leftover honey ham from Easter, so it seemed like a solution after I realized I was too short on milk to attempt 5-24: Meat-Filled Crêpes.

No major substitutions other than the crust. Added onions sautéed in schmaltz (chicken fat) to make up for a lack of ham (we ate most of it before it made it into the quiche). Used herbes de Provence for my mixed herbs–you can use whatever floats your boat.

Eggs & cream mixed together.

Ham & turkey diced up. I had a bit of leftover honey turkey too, and the two together were still a bit short of the 1 cup required.

To make up for the lack of meat, I sautéed some leftover diced yellow onion in a bit of chicken fat (to add extra meaty flavor).

My cheater pie crust, pre-baked. I don’t have a quiche pan anyway–it would have been a lie no matter what.

Post-sauté onions. Yum yum.

Onions mixed in with the remaining ingredients. This goes into the pie shell.

It’s a good idea to put the filled crust onto another baking sheet–it’s really tough to keep all the filling in the shell all the way down to the oven. You can see my crust dripping a bit in the left foreground–the baking sheet is really helpful for containing that as well as transporting the quiche without mangling the outside crust with your gloves.

I pulled the quiche out after the prescribed 25 minutes, noticed the center jiggling, and stuck it back in for 5 minutes. Pulled it out again, cut it into quarters, and was still unsatisfied with the liquidity at the center. Put it back into the oven for 10 more minutes. Plan to have the quiche in the oven much longer than the recipe suggests if you use a pre-done, deeper crust like I did.

After the additional 10 minutes. I still would have done maybe another 5-10 minutes to solidify the center a bit more, but I didn’t want to burn the outside. A foil top might have helped there.

Still looks tasty, however.

Here’s the cross-section. It was mighty good. As you can see, the very center could have used a bit more heat. A reheat for lunch tomorrow will solve that issue.

Grade: A